Our Stories over the next 4 weeks will be from the book
Christmas Roses Legends for advent. This week our story is "The Legend of the Bird's Nest". In this story , a Hermit prays to God for the destruction of the world due to all the suffering it's people has created. He is a gnarled, old hermit and while he is praying, with arms
outstretched to the heavens , two little birds mistaken him for a tree and build their nest in his hand. Watching these birds, and especially the baby birds that hatach, cause the hermit to have a change of heart. One of my family's all time favorites!!! This week , one project we made is a pine cone bird feeder. We gathered the pine cones from our yard and slathered on organic natural peanut butter and then sprinkled on some bird seeds. Dried fruit could also be added. This was a fun project so we decided to make a few as gifts as well.
Other ideas:
Visit a bird sanctuary
Make your own birds nest from natural or found materials OR make a little box of helpful natural materials for the birds to use.