Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fire Starters ( help brave Cold North WInds)

Last week our story was Shingebiss from Wynstones WINTER. In this story a little brown duck, named Shingebiss, cheerily goes about his daily chores of pulling up reeds in the ice to make fishing holes and taking his fish home to cook upon his warm fire. Even though the North wind is raging, he continues to brave the weather! This story explains why ducks are not frozen and seem unaware of the cold, winter weather! Seems they can even laugh "quack, quack ,quack" at the North wind's cold and frost! We made fire starters out of paper egg cartons, dryer lint and melted wax because , unlike Shingebiss, We need help staying warm when the North wind blows!!

Other ideas:
*Bundle up and visit ducks at a wetlands or pond. See how they do not seem to mind the cold!
(We saw Canada Geese, Mallard Ducks, American Coots, Buffle Heads, and Northern Shovelers ) you don't need to identify ducks with children in Kindergarten. My son is in his last year of Kindergarten and birding has become his new passion and hobby!
*Act out the story. White and blue play silks make a fine North Wind!
*Sing Shingbiss' song and add the rythym by clapping or rhythm sticks, or Native American drums.

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