So this year we set out a Leprechaun trap in the garden. We made it from a cardboard box. My son painted on glue and then we covered it with shamrock fabric. Then my son drew a rainbow with his beeswax crayons and we cut it out and glued it on as well. For bait, we put a very glittery gold paper underneath and since we were already planning on making NT Macaroons, we decided to dye one green and leave it out there as well. We also planted shamrock seeds . This is a Poem my son really enjoys.
The Dear Little Shamrock
by Andrew Cherry There's a dear little plant that grows in Ireland. 'Twas Saint Patrick himself sure that set it. And the sun on his labor with pleasure did smile. And a tear from his eyes oft-times wet it. It grows thro' the bog, thro' the brake, and the mireland, And it's called the dear little Shamrock of Ireland. That dear little plant still grows in our land, Fresh and fair as the daughters of Erin, Whose smiles can bewitch, and whose eyes can command, In each climate they ever appear in: For they shine thro' the bog, thro' the brake, and the mireland, Just like their own dear little Shamrock of Ireland. That dear little plant that springs from our soil, When its three little leaves are extended, Denotes from the stalk we together should toil, And ourselves by ourselves be befriended. And still thro' the bog, thro' the brake, and the mireland, From one root should branch, like the Shamrock of Ireland.
Then we made Irish Soda bread ,from the
Baking Bread with Children book, to have with our dinner (corned beef and cabbage. Yeah yeah, I know, not truly traditional but a tradition in my family growing up :) yum). Our fortune was not made, we did not catch a Leprechaun but did find some of gold! He tricked us!!! It was really chocolate that LOOKED like gold!! Better luck next time! It was a very enjoyable day.
I love the leprechaun trap! My 1st grade daughter also got very excited about trying to catch a leprechaun. We tried a trap by the front door but alas, only caught the leprechaun's hat. The pesky little guys did visit us and turned our water green along with making some other mischief around our house. I found a website that has lots of ideas for doing activities with your kids including leprechaun visits http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/st-patrick-s-day-science
Hi! Thanks for sharing!
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